Tag Archives: spreading smiles

Friends are Like Angels – Beautiful Beena

Smiling Diary : Email from Beautiful Beena

Dear Shilpa,

 Beautiful Soul Spreading Smiles
You are such a beautiful person that your smile and the aura around you is enough to make me smile. You always been there with such an open heart that I could come to you anytime and share anything with you and also get good advice from you. Your sweet, calm and kind nature is something which I can feel when you are besides me. You keep encouraging me always and help me move ahead in my journey.
 Friends are Like Angels
Thank you for being that cute little angel for me whose always there by my side.
Love and Hugs,

Sms Soul Connect Swati Mam;-)

 From the Smiling Diary – Email from Swati Mam

good deeds


Every time your thought crosses my mind a little smile plays up on my lips. Never met but deeply connected. It’s a beautiful soul connection that we share.

Frayed nerves

whatsapp Shilpa


Txt Shilpa….

Need someone to talk to till the wee hrs

Ping Shilpa

Need a comforting hug.. a listening ear …or share experience

Its You I turn to..

Be blessed my Sunshine .. .



